HSSEQ Policy

Bel Air management and board of directors have worked with our policies - they are our main guidelines and everyone from the Bel Air team follows them. 

The main focus for the policies is on safety and the whole person as in everything else at Bel Air. 

Bel Air HSSEQ Policy and Objectives

(Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Quality)

HSSEQ will always be an essential part of our daily work within Bel Air. We are committed to developing, implementing, maintaining and constantly improving strategies and processes to ensure that all our aviation activities take place under an appropriate allocation of organizational resources, aimed at achieving the highest level of HSSEQ performance and meeting regulatory requirements, while delivering our services.

  • We encourage all our staff and stakeholders to report any events or potential hazards, however insignificant they may seem at the time.
  • An incident and accident free environment and operation.
  • An effective HSSEQ management system with continuous improvement.
  • Full compliance with the regulations that apply to us.
  • Meeting the standards and considering best practice
  • We have an open reporting culture that encourages free and frank reporting through a just culture to improve HSSEQ.

HSSEQ objectives:

•To provide a safe, healthy work environment for all employees.
•To improve safety promotion in the organisation.
•To prevent injury to people and damage to aircraft resulting from the operations andmaintenance.
•To perform hazard and risk analyses for all new activities to eliminate hazardousconditions.
•To provide relevant HSSEQ and training to all employees.
•To prevent any event that could be avoided by an efficient safety organization.
•To prevent environmental damage, aim to lessen our negative impact on theenvironment and support
  the Sustainable  Development Goals.
•To ensure that the whole organization strives for highest quality standard by adheringto applicable law and standards.
•To improve the effectiveness of the HSSEQ through yearly audits that review allaspects of the HSSEQ.
•To strive for the essence of HSSEQ becoming everyone’s mindset.t review all aspects of the HSSEQ.

As accountable manager, I will ensure that adequate resources, tools and training are provided to manage HSSEQ effectively.


Susanne Hessellund

Accountable Manager